Table 1

Identifying CVD risk factors

Variable identifying healthy individualsVariable identifying individuals with abnormal readingsPeople, n (%)
Not prescribed antihypertensives (n=280)Raised systolic blood pressure (≥140 mm Hg)56 (20.0)
Normal systolic blood pressure (<140 mm Hg)224 (80.0)
Reported absence of diabetes (n=320)Finger-prick random glucose suggesting diabetes (≥11.1 mmol/L)7 (2.2)
Finger-prick random glucose suggesting impaired glucose tolerance (≥7.8 mmol/L)20 (6.2)
Finger-prick random glucose suggesting normal glucose (<7.8 mmol/L)293 (91.6)
Not prescribed statins (n=108)High finger-prick total cholesterol (≥5.0 mmol/L)22 (20.4)
Normal finger-prick total cholesterol (<5.0 mmol/L)86 (79.6)
QRISK2 score
All attendees >18 years (n=301)
High risk (≥20%)84 (27.9)
Moderate risk (≥10%–19%)89 (29.6)
Low risk (<10%)128 (42.5)
QRISK2 score
Aged 40–74 without known CVD risk factors and not prescribed statins (n=142)
High risk (≥20%)19 (13.4)
Moderate risk (≥10%–19%)58 (40.8)
Low risk (<10%)65 (45.8)
  • CVD, cardiovascular disease.