Table 1

Characteristics of healthcare workers exposed to COVID-19 by severity status*

TotalControlsCasesP value†
Very mild to mildModerate to severe
Sample size, N 28842316430138
Women794 (27.5%)640 (27.6%)119 (27.7%)35 (25.4%)0.10
Men2066 (71.6%)1656 (71.5%)310 (72.1%)100 (72.5%)
Other2 (0.1%)1 (0.04%)0 (0.0%)1 (0.7%)
Prefer not to say22 (0.8%)19 (0.8%)1 (0.2%)2 (1.4%)
Age, years 48 (10)48 (10)47.1 (9.5)48.3 (9.5)0.19
Country 0.048
USA1061 (36.8%)901 (38.9%)116 (27.0%)44 (31.9%)
UK327 (11.3%)233 (10.1%)66 (15.3%)28 (20.3%)
Spain528 (18.3%)382 (16.5%)125 (29.1%)21 (15.2%)
Italy433 (15.0%)359 (15.5%)54 (12.6%)20 (14.5%)
Germany279 (9.7%)233 (10.1%)35 (8.1%)11 (8.0%)
France256 (8.9%)208 (9.0%)34 (7.9%)14 (10.1%)
White2218 (77.0%)1792 (77.4%)334 (77.7%)92 (66.7%)0.13
Any mixed/multiple ethnic background162 (6.0%)121 (5.2%)28 (6.5%)13 (9.4%)
Asian336 (12.0%)271 (11.7%)46 (10.7%)19 (13.8%)
African48 (2.0%)36 (1.6%)7 (1.6%)5 (3.6%)
Other36 (1.0%)29 (1.3%)5 (1.2%)2 (1.4%)
Prefer not to say84 (3.0%)67 (2.9%)10 (2.3%)7 (5.1%)
Job classification
Physician2735 (94.8%)2187 (94.4%)412 (95.8%)136 (98.6%)0.13
Nurse/NP/PA149 (5.2%)129 (5.6%)18 (4.2%)2 (1.4%)
Physician specialty
Other12 (0.4%)10 (0.4%)1 (0.2%)1 (0.7%)0.27
Allergy and Immunology29 (1.0%)25 (1.1%)4 (0.9%)0 (0.0%)
Cardiology281 (9.7%)227 (9.8%)38 (8.8%)16 (11.6%)
Critical care282 (9.8%)230 (9.9%)42 (9.8%)10 (7.2%)
Emergency medicine603 (20.9%)512 (22.1%)70 (16.3%)21 (15.2%)
Endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism98 (3.4%)74 (3.2%)15 (3.5%)9 (6.5%)
Gastroenterology94 (3.3%)77 (3.3%)12 (2.8%)5 (3.6%)
Haematology112 (3.9%)85 (3.7%)18 (4.2%)9 (6.5%)
Infectious disease100 (3.5%)82 (3.5%)14 (3.3%)4 (2.9%)
Internal medicine433 (15.0%)322 (13.9%)84 (19.5%)27 (19.6%)
Nephrology53 (1.8%)38 (1.6%)15 (3.5%)0 (0.0%)
Neurology107 (3.7%)82 (3.5%)21 (4.9%)4 (2.9%)
Pulmonology430 (14.9%)354 (15.3%)53 (12.3%)23 (16.7%)
Rheumatology101 (3.5%)69 (3.0%)25 (5.8%)7 (5.1%)
Nurse/NP/PA practice setting
Emergency room24 (16.1%)22 (17.1%)1 (6.0%)1 (50.0%)0.12
Intensive care unit50 (33.6%)45 (34.9%)5 (28.0%)0 (0.0%)
Other hospital-based department75 (50.3%)62 (48.1%)12 (67.0%)1 (50.0%)
COVID-19 test (PCR or antibody)
No – I did not get a test748 (25.9%)695 (30.0%)38 (8.8%)15 (10.9%)<0.001
No – I did not have access to the test101 (3.5%)69 (2.9%)21 (4.9%)11 (8.0%)
Yes – I tested negative1737 (60.2%)1552 (67.0%)160 (37.2%)25 (18.1%)
Yes – I tested positive298 (10.3%)0 (0%)211 (49.1%)87 (63.0%)
Presence of pre-existing medical conditions 1264 (44.0%)1002 (43.0%)196 (45.6%)66 (47.8%)0.65
Smoking status 0.64
Never smoker2323 (80.5%)1865 (80.5%)344 (80.0%)114 (82.6%)
Former smoker427 (14.8%)341 (14.7%)66 (15.3%)20 (14.5%)
Current smoker134 (4.6%)110 (4.7%)20 (4.7%)4 (2.9%)
Body mass index (kg/m2 )25.0 (4.3)24.9 (4.2)24.9 (4.8)25.2 (4.8)0.57
Self-reported diets
Plant-based diets§254 (8.8%)213 (9.2%)37 (8.6%)4 (2.9%)0.02
Plant-based diets or pescatarian diets¶294 (10.2%)248 (10.7%)40 (9.3%)6 (4.3%)0.06
Low carbohydrate, high protein diets**483 (16.7%)392 (16.9%)61 (14.2%)30 (21.7%)0.04
  • *Values are n (%) for categorical variables and mean (SD) for continuous variables. Cases are defined as individuals with self-reported COVID-19-like illness (fever, coughing, fatigue, loss of taste or smell) or a positive PCR or antibody test.

  • †P value compared moderate-to-severe severity versus very mild to mild severity among cases.

  • ‡Participants were asked to report if they followed any type of specific diet over the past 12 months before the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • §Participants self-reported that they followed whole foods, plant-based diets or vegetarian diets.

  • ¶Participants self-reported that they followed whole foods, plant-based diets or vegetarian diets or pescatarian diets.

  • **Participants self-reported that they followed low carbohydrate diets or high protein diets.

  • NP, nurse practitioner; PA, physician assistant.