Table 1

Sociodemographic, health, and lifestyle characteristics per dietary pattern category

Dietary patternVegetarian
Full sample
Test statistic
Gender (n, %)χ2=1.33
 Female51 (23.3)152 (69.4)203 (92.7)
 Male3 (1.4)9 (4.1)12 (5.5)
 Transgender/non-binary0 (0.0)4 (1.9)4 (1.9)
Marital status (n, %)χ2=1.37
 Partnered33 (15.1)115 (52.5)148 (67.6)
 Unpartnered21 (9.6)50 (22.8)71 (32.4)
Highest educational level (n, %)χ2=3.10
 High school4 (1.8)28 (12.8)32 (14.6)
 University degree46 (21.0)128 (58.4)174 (79.5)
 Trade certificate4 (1.8)9 (4.1)13 (5.9)
Health compared with peers (n, %)F=7.90
 Very good12 (5.5)70 (32.0)82 (37.4)
 Good25 (11.4)60 (27.4)85 (38.8)
 Fair7 (3.2)18 (8.2)25 (11.4)
 Sometimes good sometimes poor8 (3.7)13 (5.9)21 (9.6)
 Poor2 (0.9)4 (1.8)6 (2.7)
Age (years; M, SD)33.39 (7.53)30.52 (7.25)31.22 (7.40)F=6.28*
BMI (kg/m2; M, SD)26.76 (8.78)24.51 (5.18)25.06 (6.30)F=5.20*
DST (M, SD)72.72 (12.36)77.69 (10.23)76.47 (10.98)F=8.63**
Physical activity
(days per month; M, SD)
13.70 (8.90)13.90 (9.94)13.85 (9.67)F=0.02
(M, SD)
19.22 (13.23)15.31 (11.09)16.27 (11.74)F=4.59*
  • *P<0.05, **p<0.01.

  • BMI, body mass index; CESD, Centre for Epidemiological Science Depression Scale; DST, dietary screening tool; M, Mean.