Table 1

Baseline characteristics of 325 subjects undertaking very low calorie diet programme between 1993 and 1998 in South Devon, UK

Whole cohort n=325Type 2 diabetes baseline n=44Developed diabetes or IFG n=61No diabetes baseline or follow-up n=220P value DM vs no DM at baseline
Age years mean (SD)47.8 (12.8)53.2 (12.1)49.2 (12.0)46.7 (13.0)0.0034
Gender % F/M79.1/20.965.978.592.80.1
BMI kg/m2 mean (SD)36.1 (6.8)38.2 (6.9)38.2 (7.2)35.1 (6.4)0.003
Weight kg mean (SD)97.9 (19)105.6 (26.6)102.0 (21.5)95.7 (17.1)0.0037
  • BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes mellitus; IFG, impaired fasting glucose.