Table 5

Estimated percentage change in calories (kcal) purchased due to incentives by household type

With childrenNo childrenχ2-test of equality
Product category: biscuits
 10% Price reduction4.6*** (4.4 to 4.7)4.2*** (4.1 to 4.3)11.72***
 Any price promo.41.5*** (39.5 to 43.4)34.3*** (32.7 to 35.8)33.56***
 Any volume promo.77.4*** (74.7 to 80.1)69.8*** (67.8 to 71.9)19.22***
 Observations72 843127 041
Product category: crisps
 10% Price reduction9.7*** (9.3 to 10.2)8.3*** (7.9 to 8.6)25.99***
 Any price promo.6.5*** (4.3 to 8.8)8.3*** (6.6 to 10.1)1.580
 Any volume promo.52.1*** (48.9 to 55.4)52.4*** (49.8 to 55.1)0.019
 Observations50 03685 358
Product category: savoury snacks
 10% Price reduction6.5*** (6.2 to 6.7)6.3*** (6.1 to 6.6)0.433
 Any price promo.30.2*** (28.0 to 32.3)22.8*** (20.8 to 24.9)23.55***
 Any volume promo.79.4*** (76.5 to 82.3)76.0*** (73.3 to 78.8)2.724*
 Observations56 00862 640
  • 95% CI in brackets *p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.

  • Number of observations within categories varies based on the number of purchases per household.

  • All models include age of main shopper, age2 of main shopper, household size, time in panel (years), time since last purchase (weeks), and year dummies (full results available in online supplemental appendix).