Table 1

Main characteristics of the population

VariableNControlsCasesP value*
Median (p10–p90) or N (%)Median (p10–p90) or N (%)
Age (years)105040 (31–45)40 (31–45)0.06
Age at menarche (years)105012 (10–15)12 (11–15)0.93
Pregnancy ever911478 (91)433 (84)<0.0001
Age at first full-term pregnancy†908<0.0001
 <20180 (37.7)123 (28.5)
 20–25174 (36.5)128 (29.7)
 ≥25123 (25.8)180 (41.8)
Age at first full-term pregnancy†(years)90821 (16–29)23 (17–33)<0.0001
Age at last full-term pregnancy† (years)90828 (22–36)30 (22–36)0.05
Number of children1036<0.0001
 047 (9.1)92 (17.8)
 1112 (21.6)157 (30.4)
 ≥2360 (69.3)268 (51.8)
Ever breast feed, for parous women911443 (92.7)383 (88.5)<0.0001
Cumulated duration of breast feeding† ≥12 months,911313 (65.5)200 (46.1)<0.0001
History of benign breast disease105066 (12.6)191 (36.4)<0.0001
Family history of breast cancer105023 (4.4)33 (6.3)0.18
Daily alcohol intake‡ (g/day)8980.92 (0.05–4.95)0.83 (0.04–5.53)0.15
Daily physical activity§ (hours/day)10503.6 (0.93–8.9)2.0 (0.36–8.4)<0.0001
Education level1050<0.0001
 ≤primary school (low)103 (19.6)65 (12.4)
 secondary school (medium)286 (54.5)253 (48.2)
 >secondary school (high)136 (25.9)207 (39.4)
Ever smoker (yes)530285 (54.3)245 (46.7)0.009
Height (m)10471.56 (1.50–1.65)1.57 (1.49–1.66)0.003
Weight (kg)104968 (55–89)64 (52–80)<0.0001
BMI (kg/m²)104728.1 (22.3–36.2)26.1 (20.9–32.6)<0.0001
Energy intake and UPF¶
Energy (kcal)10502694 (1642–4732)2853 (1790–4672)0.09
Energy (kcal) for NOVA 110501314 (736–2427)1372 (801–2472)0.25
Energy (kcal) for NOVA 21050102 (35–289)102 (27–247)0.16
Energy (kcal) for NOVA 31050463 (208-893)544 (236–997)0.09
Energy (kcal) for NOVA 41050641 (273–1599)729 (322–1449)0.23
Biomarkers measured in blood
Plasma industrial trans-fatty acids (%)2840.27 (0.16–0.49)0.29 (0.16–0.57)0.05
Tumour characteristics
Hormone receptor status**332‡‡
Oestrogen receptor positive240 (72)
Progesterone receptor positive230 (69)
HER2 positive56 (15)
Triple negative: ER−/PR−/HER2−70 (21)
Of which Basal-like†† 61 (18)
  • *P value Wilcoxon test from logistic regression conditional on matching factors.

  • †Among parous women only.

  • ‡Among consumers.

  • §Daily moderate intensity physical activity.

  • ¶NOVA group 1: Unprocessed or minimally processed foods; NOVA group 2: Processed culinary ingredients, NOVA group 3: Processed foods; NOVA group 4: Ultra-processed food and drink products.

  • **Immunohistochemistry is so far available for 332 cases. Percentages given for tumour characteristics are based on these 332 cases. Receptors status presented irrespective of other receptors.

  • ††Basal-like: (TN and EGFR +and/or CK5/6+).

  • BMI, body mass index; CK5/6, cytokeratin 5/6; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; ER, oestrogen receptor; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; PR, progesterone receptor; TN, triple negative; UPF, ultra-processed foods.