Table 1

Average LA expenditure per year and change between 2008 and 2015

Total LA expenditure per capita (£) per year: mean (SD)% changeHighways and transport LA expenditure per capita (£) per year: mean (SD)% changeHousing services LA expenditure per capita (£) per year: mean (SD)% change
Total 1386.9 (366.8)1144.5 (220.1)−17171.8 (112.7)116.9 (71.9)−3264.9 (65.4)42.2 (45.2)−35
 North East1610.4 (253.4)1300.3 (159.1)−19159.6 (21.8)151.8 (44.0)−559.2 (27.0)34.4 (15.1)−42
 North West1429.8 (269.3)1195.1 (185.4)−16163.9 (43.9)107.6 (31.7)−3460.1 (41.1)31.5 (15.2)−48
 Yorkshire and the Humber1305.8 (163.9)1115.9 (125.6)−15142.7 (30.3)105.5 (23.2)−2663.2 (19.4)33.0 (11.2)−48
 East Midlands1198.9 (169.9)1026.1 (114.3)−14132.3 (29.5)80.8 (28.3)−39%31.9 (34.9)26.2 (13.4)−18
 West Midlands1259.6 (188.7)1970.8 (131.7)−15127.0 (27.0)88.3 (23.2)−3143.1 (26.3)40.0 (54.9)−7
 London2145.2 (574.3)1540.1 (349.0)−28486.3 (79.8)313.3 (41.0)−36194.7 (117.0)139.6 (78.9)−28
 South West1264.2 (148.5)1108.2 (142.6)−12142.7 (32.3)99.0 (28.5)−3160.0 (26.4)31.2 (15.5)−48
 East of England1321.7 (165.5)1070.7 (108.5)−19137.8 (36.5)89.1 (20.6)−4945.6 (27.5)35.4 (16.4)−22
 South East1265.9 (182.2)1082.3 (128.1)−15120.7 (34.8)89.3 (18.4)−2653.1 (43.6)39.9 (20.5)−25
 Lowest quartile
 (GDHI <£16 700)
1358.3 (224.7)1138.3 (167.1)−16141.0 (52.5)98.6 (38.8)−3054.8 (31.0)36.2 (18.6)−34
 Second quartile
 (GDHI £16 700–£18 461)
1302.9 (288.5)1138.3 (245.1)−13148.6 (77.3)115.9 (77.6)−2252.7 (42.5)47.8 (57.4)−9
 Third quartile
 (GDHI £18 461–£20 725)
1489.5 (504.0)1177.2 (243.1)−21224.9 (165.4)139.2 (94.5)−3887.2 (96.5)56.0 (54.5)−36
 Highest quartile
 (GDHI>£20 725)
1356.6 (306.3)1122.5 (211.2)−17155.1 (73.4)109.0 (54.4)−3057.5 (50.3)38.2 (38.8)−34
Unemployment rate
 Lowest quartile
 (<4.55% unemployed)
1206.6 (141.0)1058.9 (123.6)−12132.4 (57.9)91.4 (28.0)−3241.8 (18.7)31.2 (23.8)−25
 Second quartile
 (4.55%–5.90% unemployed)
1326.3 (172.6)1163.6 (218.7)−12158.4 (81.8)125.7 (86.3)−2150.9 (46.5)47.2 (40.4)−7
 Third quartile
 (5.90%–7.74% unemployed)
1547.0 (472.0)1334.8 (292.2)−14214.1 (150.6)179.8 (99.7)−1685.1 (77.4)83.7 (78.7)−2
 Highest quartile
 (>7.74% unemployed)
1882.8 (422.1)1330.5 (165.7)−29%264.1 (149.9)135.9 (59.2)−49147.1 (105.3)49.9 (57.4)−66
Level of reductions to working age benefits per person per year
 Lowest quartile
1206.5 (159.1)1049.5 (126.8)−13129.5 (63.1)93.8 (41.7)−2840.0 (20.3)30.3 (17.3)−25
 Second quartile
1269.8 (249.3)1083.5 (155.8)−15161.1 (100.3)106.5 (64.5)−3448.5 (46.6)35.4 (32.9)−10
 Third quartile
1458.1 (401.7)1168.2 (215.4)−20187.8 (122.5)126.7 (78.6)−3371.3 (66.2)49.8 (42.1)−30
 Highest quartile
1586.1 (370.3)1260.9 (249.9)−21202.3 (121.3)138.5 (82.8)−3197.5 (79.2)60.3 (59.5)−38
 1 (most deprived)1742.6 (504.4)1334.3 (284.6)−23236.6 (154.1)154.0 (91.9)−35119.1 (102.7)72.0 (72.4)−40
 †21471.2 (373.3)1197.7 (244.1)−19185.3 (122.2)130.2 (83.6)−3077.1 (59.1)55.5 (53.6)−28
 ‡31296.7 (182.1)1093.1 (120.2)−16154.9 (81.5)103.3 (58.3)−3352.21 (48.5)37.0 (24.4)−29
 41222.3 (171.8)1054.4 (126.6)−14153.0 (89.5)103.2 (55.5)−3338.4 (19.3)28.9 (16.2)−24
 5 (least deprived)1207.5 (155.8)1046.4 (123.3)−13131.0 (66.6)94.5 (43.9)−2838.8 (18.4)30.9 (17.0)−20
 Predominantly urban1518.8 (434.5)1213.1 (256.6)−20205.5 (140.0)138.7 (88.2)−3383.5 (80.8)56.8 (54.9)−32
 Urban with significant rural1243.1 (134.6)1076.3 (126.6)−13139.4 (30.0)87.1 (18.4)−3840.8 (24.8)30.3 (11.3)−26
 Predominantly rural1209.4 (134.5)1048.4 (110.6)−13130.0 (30.8)91.1 (27.2)−3042.2 (21.2)29.5 (28.3)−30
  • *GDHI per person per year, categorised into four quartiles.

  • †We stratified by quartiles of reductions in working age benefit by LA, using a dataset estimating the cumulative decreases in benefits for working age people due to welfare reforms between 2010 and 2015 for each LA.

  • ‡IMD represents relative deprivation of LAs, categorised into quintiles.

  • GDHI, Gross Disposable Household Income; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; LA, local authority.