Table 3

Mid-upper arm circumference of mothers presenting to Shabelle Health and Nutrition Center by child nutrition and mother gestational status—November 2019 to March 2020 (n=2064)†

Nutritional status of the child aged 6–59 months
Wasted‡Non-wastedAll children
Mother status§¶
Pregnant, n333265598
 MUAC <23 cm, n (%)80 (24.0)*41 (15.5)*121 (20.2)
 Mean MUAC (SD)25.62 (3.77)*26.31 (3.32)*25.93 (3.59)
Lactating, n6372135
 MUAC <23 cm, n (%)11 (17.5)16 (22.2)27 (20.0)
 Mean MUAC (SD)26.28 (3.48)26.56 (4.1)26.43 (3.81)
Neither pregnant nor lactating, n8015301331
 MUAC ≤24 cm, n (%)291 (36.3) ***138 (26.0) ***429 (32.2)
 Mean MUAC (SD)26.17 (3.83)**26.76 (3.63)**26.41 (3.76)
  • *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 indicated as significant.

  • †Significant p values were calculated comparing mothers with wasted children to mothers with non-wasted children.

  • ‡Wasted is defined as children aged 6–59 months with WHZ <−2 and/or MUAC <12.5 cm and/or bilateral oedema. All other children were defined as non-wasted.

  • §Mother status was defined to be mutually exclusive. Pregnant mothers included women who self-identified as pregnant. Lactating mothers included non-pregnant mothers breast feeding a child between the ages of 0 and 5 months; the breastfed child was not necessarily the child enrolled in the study. Neither pregnant nor lactating mothers were defined as women who were neither pregnant nor lactating a child aged 0–5 months.

  • ¶Mothers missing information on MUAC (n=18) or MUAC out of range (n=60) were excluded from this analysis (total excluded, n=78).

  • MUAC, mid-upper arm circumference; WHZ, weight-for-height z-score.