Table 2

Overview of aspects of ‘local’ approach within included studies (n=9)

Study reference numberS5S6S24S3S13S20S14S21S9
Aspects of localProcess relatedAfele Fa Amuli 2009Aflague 2019Aswani 2007Bhurosy 2013Binford 2012Fotu 2011Hanson 2011Kremer 2011Li 2019
Priority setting and intervention development:
Drawing on local expertise and involvement in co-developing intervention objectives and tools (eg, local organisations).
Drawing on local expertise and involvement in recruiting participants/communities (eg, community headmen/leaders).
By local organisations (eg, Non-government organisations (NGOs)) or individuals rather than a research team from outside the SIDS.
Drawing on local expertise and involvement in data collection and/or analysis.
Outcome relatedPromote locally produced food
Promote traditional/cultural dietary behaviours:
Such as traditional cooking techniques or culturally valued foods.
Consider food composition relevant to local food:
Through nutrient analyses.
  • SIDS, Small Island Developing States .