Table 5

Results of the NVS questionnaire by academic field of study

Health % (n)Social Sciences and Humanities % (n)Arts % (n)Natural Sciences % (n)Exact Sciences and Engineering % (n)P value
1. If you eat the entire container, how many calories will you consume? (1000) (n=867)24.6 (158)20.6 (132)7.2 (46)18.4 (118)29.2 (187)0.000
2. If you are allowed to consume 60 g of carbohydrates for snack, how much ice cream could you have? (1 cup or half the container) (n=1114)25.8 (118)17.5 (80)5.9 (27)19.7 (90)31.2 (143)0.000
3. Your doctor advises you to reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet. You usually have 42 g of saturated fat each day, which includes one serving of ice cream. If you stop eating ice cream, how many grams of saturated fat would you be consuming each day? (33) (n=580)25.5 (116)19.1 (87)5.7 (26)20.0 (91)29.7 (135)0.109
4. If you usually consume 2500 calories in a day, what percentage of your daily value of calories will you be consuming if you eat one serving? (10%) (n=575)23.2 (92)18.4 (73)6.8 (279)19.4 (77)32.2 (128)0.002
5. Pretend that you are allergic to the following substances: penicillin, peanuts, latex gloves and bee stings. Is it safe for you to eat this ice cream? (No) (n=849)23.7 (168)21.7 (154)8.0 (57)20.1 (143)26.5 (188)0.000
6. If the patient responds ‘no’ to question (5): why not? Because it has peanut oil (n=662)25.6 (160)21.8 (136)7.5 (47)19.0 (119)26.1 (163)0.133
Final score (mean±SD)5.02±1.244.64±1.424.93±1.084.16±1.835.07±1.19
  • Bold denotes statistically significant differences (p<0.05).

  • NVS, Newest Vital Sign.