Table 2

Differences between genders for the responses to the PREDIMED (PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea) questionnaire

Total of correct answers % (n)F% (n)M% (n)P value
Do you use olive oil as main culinary fat? (Yes) (n=1106)88.9 (983)68.9 (677)30.0 (295)0.155
How much olive oil do you consume in a given day? (≥4 tbsp) (n=1099)6.8 (75)68.0 (51)30.7 (23)0.049
How many vegetable servings do you consume per day? (≥2) (n=1103)56.2 (650)70.0 (433)29.4 (182)0.088
How many fruit units do you consume per day? (≥3 pieces) (n=1104)23.2 (256)74.5 (190)25.5 (65)0.011
How many servings of red meat, hamburger or meat products do you consume per day? A full serving is 100–150 g (<1 portion) (n=1092)32.9 (359)77.9 (279)20.7 (74)0.000
How many servings (12 g) of butter, margarine or cream do you consume per day? (<1 portion) (n=1088)55.1 (600)72.2 (434)26.1 (157)0.000
How much sweetened or carbonated beverages do you drink per day? (<1 per day) (n=1051)81.3 (854)68.7 (587)30.6 (261)0.012
Do you drink wine? How much do you drink per week? (≥7 cups) (n=1002)0.8 (8)25.0 (2)75.0 (6)0.103
How many servings (150 g) of legumes do you consume per week? (≥3) (n=1093)53.8 (587)69.3 (407)29.1 (171)0.102
How many servings of fish/seafood do you consume per week? (100–150 g of fish, 200 g of seafood) (≥3) (n=1095)50.1 (550)66.9 (368)32.9 (181)0.010
How many times per week do you consume commercial sweets or pastries, such as cakes, cookies, biscuits or custard? (<3 times) (n=1093)59.3 (648)68.5 (444)30.1 (195)0.370
How many servings of nuts (including peanuts) do you consume per week? (1 serving: 30 g) (≥3) (n=1079)21.3 (230)65.7 (151)33.9 (78)0.388
Do you preferentially consume chicken, turkey or rabbit meat instead of veal, pork, hamburger or sausage? (Yes) (n=1104)55.5 (613)74.2 (455)25.3 (155)0.000
How many times per week do you consume vegetables, pasta, rice or other dishes seasoned with sofrito (sauce made with tomato and onion, leek or garlic and simmered with olive oil)? (≥2) (n=1102)88.6 (976)67.6 (660)31.3 (305)1.000
  • Bold denotes statistically significant differences (p<0.05).