Table 3

Nutrition-related genetic variation among participants in the GLB+NGx group

Nutrient, Gene (rs number)Genotype distribution (n, %)Participants with elevated risk/Enhanced response genotype (n, %)Associated Risk/Response
Calories, UCP1 (rs1800592)AA (44 to 62.9)
AG (19 to 27.1)
GG (7 to 10.0)
Elevated risk (26, 37.1)Lower resting metabolic rate
Protein, FTO (rs9939609)AA (21 to 30.0)
TA (27 to 38.6)
TT (22 to 31.4)
Enhanced response (21, 30.0)Weight loss
Total fat, TCF7L2 (rs7903146)TT (6 to 8.6)
CT (28 to 40.0)
CC (36 to 51.4)
Enhanced response (6, 8.6)Weight loss
SFA, APOA2 (rs5082)TT (21 to 30.0)
TC (44 to 62.9)
CC (5 to 7.1)
Enhanced response (5, 7.1)Weight loss
PUFA:SFA, FTO (rs9939609)AA (21 to 30.0)
TA (27 to 38.6)
TT (22 to 31.4)
Enhanced response (48, 68.6)Weight loss
MUFA, PPARg2 (rs1801282)CC (53 to 75.7)
CG (17 to 24.3)
GG (0 to 0.0)
Enhanced response (17, 24.3)Weight loss
Snacking/Appetite, MC4R (rs17782313)TT (30 to 42.9)
TC (35 to 50.0)
CC (5 to 7.1)
Elevated risk (40, 57.1)Greater snacking/eating frequency
  • Bolded genotypes indicate those included in the ‘elevated risk’ or ‘enhanced response’ categories.

  • n=70.

  • MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA, saturated fatty acids.