Table 1

Demographics of the study population

VariableOverall proportion (n)Male proportion (n)Female proportion (n)P value
Age (years) Mean±SD 44.2±13.144.5±14.744.1±12.20.576
Marital status
 Married73.2% (134)88.4% (61)64.0% (73) <0.001
 Single8.7% (16)10.1% (7)7.9% (9)
 Divorced/separated4.4% (8)0% (0)7.0% (8)
 Widowed13.7% (25)1.5% (1)21.1% (24)
Highest level of education attained
 No formal education23.5% (43)15.9% (11)28.1% (32) 0.001
 Primary48.1% (88)40.6% (28)52.6% (60)
 Secondary20.8% (38)27.5% (19)16.7% (19)
 Tertiary7.6% (14)15.9% (11)2.6% (3)
Housing (proxy wealth indicator)
 Lives in a house with solar power44.2% (81)44.9% (31)43.8% (50)0.839
 Iron sheets, concrete walls, no solar38.8% (71)36.2% (25)40.4% (46)
 Iron sheets, mud and wattle walls, no solar11.5% (21)11.6% (8)11.4% (13)
 Mud and wattle, grass thatched, no solar5.5%(10)7.3% (5)4.4% (5)
  • Bold values represent significant differences (p< 0.05)