Table 1

Summary statistics for study sets for birth weight and 7-year WISC IQ

Analysis of birth weight (n=1312)Analysis of 7-year WISC IQ (n=767)
WISC IQ100.012.8
Birth weight (g)3630.6547
My Nutrition Index (MNI)66.61567.414
Maternal weight (kg)69.01369.013
Maternal IQ11416
Total calories18925481894532
Log10 BPF (ng/ml)−0.480.51
Log10 PFOS (ng/ml)0.820.19
Child (female)4850
Maternal smoker1210
Premature birth44
Maternal higher education6369
  • BSF, bisphenol F; PFOS, perfluoro-octanesulfonic acid; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.