Table 1

Demographic and health-related characteristics of shift workers (n=1300)

Country of residence
 Northern Ireland45034.6
Age category*
 18–34 years49038.2
 35–54 years60647.2
 55–65 years18714.6
Marital status
 Single never married52840.6
 Married and living with spouse63749.0
 Civil partnership272.1
 Married and separated from spouse473.6
Socioeconomic status†‡
Calculated BMI§¶
 Normal weight50445.4
  • *Valid denominator=1283

  • †Based on the occupation of the head of household. ABC1 denotes upper middle class, middle class and lower middle class. C2DE denotes skilled working class, working class and non-workers15

  • ‡Some participants declined to respond (n=57)

  • §Calculated based on self-reported height and weight and categorised according to the WHO BMI classification14

  • ¶Valid denominator=1110

  • BMI, body mass index.