Table 2

Associations between neighbourhood variables and BMI, by quintile of genetic risk based on 91-SNP and 69-SNP GRSs

Quintile of genetic riskMean BMI difference for unit increase in neighbourhood exposureP for interactionQuintile of genetic riskMean BMI difference for unit increase in neighbourhood exposureP for interaction
Fast-food proximity*†
(unit change = 10-fold increase in distance (m) to nearest fast-food outlet)
Q1−0.081 (−0.213 to 0.052)0.028Q1−0.080 (−0.214 to 0.055)0.018
Q2−0.115 (−0.239 to 0.009)Q2−0.117 (−0.243 to 0.009)
Q3−0.137 (−0.259 to −0.014)Q3−0.140 (−0.264 to −0.017)
Q4−0.158 (−0.282 to −0.035)Q4−0.164 (−0.289 to −0.039)
Q5−0.194 (−0.326 to −0.062)Q5−0.204 (−0.337 to −0.070)
Availability of PA facilities*‡
(unit change = one additional facility)
Q1−0.074 (−0.100 to −0.047)0.530Q1−0.070 (−0.097 to −0.044)0.178
Q2−0.075 (−0.101 to −0.049)Q2−0.074 (−0.099 to −0.048)
Q3−0.076 (−0.101 to −0.050)Q3−0.076 (−0.101 to −0.050)
Q4−0.077 (−0.103 to −0.051)Q4−0.078 (−0.103 to −0.052)
Q5−0.078 (−0.105 to −0.052)Q5−0.081 (−0.106 to −0.054)
  • *Regression models were adjusted for age (years), sex (male/female), highest education level attained (degree; A level or equivalent; O level/GCSE or equivalent; CSE or equivalent; NVQ/HND/HNC; other professional qualification; none of the above), annual household income (<£18 000; £18,000–£30 999; £31000–£51 999; £52 000–£100 000; >£100 000), employment status (paid work, retired, unable to work, unemployed, other), area deprivation (Townsend score), urbanicity (urban/non-urban), neighbourhood residential density (count of residential features within a 1 km street network buffer of home address, log transformed).

  • †Also adjusted for availability of PA facilities.

  • ‡Also adjusted for fast-food proximity.

  • BMI, body mass index; CSE, Certificate of Secondary Education; GRS, genetic risk score; HNC, Higher National Certificate; HND, Higher National Diploma; NVQ, National Vocational Qualification; PA, physical activity; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.