Table 6

Consumption of dairy products in our study population

Patients with coeliac disease, N (%)General population, N (%)P value
Do not eat dairy products06 (1.1)0.125
Every day25 (14.2)75 (14.2)
3–5 times a week73 (41.5)238 (45.1)
Once a week48 (27.3)140 (26.5)
Sometimes lactose-free mozzarella, cheese and yoghurt8 (4.5)23 (4.4)
Only lactose-free mozzarella and cheese and yoghurt2 (1.1)10 (1.9)
As ingredients only11 (6.3)29 (5.5)
Only parmesan cheese
(lactose-free aged cheese)
9 (5.1)7 (1.3)