Mothers |
Antenatal care and nutritional support received during most recent pregnancy Types of food consumed while pregnant Household food security Access to safe and nutritionally adequate foods Health education received during and after pregnancy Experiences of breast feeding and complementary feeding since delivery Reasons for or against breast feeding Personal and family perceptions of breast feeding and its relation to child’s health Daily jobs and social obligations and their relation to child’s nutritional status Challenges to adhering to recommended infant and young child feeding practices in postnatal period Reasons for or against seeking formal medical care for acute malnutrition
Health workers |
Inpatient, outpatient and community-based services available to malnourished children Quality and outcomes of malnutrition care and follow-up Admission and discharge criteria for severe and moderate acute malnutrition Counselling of mothers on breast feeding and other infant and young child feeding practices Parents’ perceptions of and reactions to malnutrition Reasons for or against seeking formal medical care for acute malnutrition Drivers of child malnutrition in Maryland County Barriers to reducing paediatric malnutrition in Liberia Recommended solutions